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Healthy Eating during Pregnancy

by Taste For LifeZi JIn Tang 紫金堂澳洲 on Apr 01, 2023

懷孕怎麼吃?營養師教你聰明補充6種關鍵營養素!- 紫金堂澳洲

Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

What you eat and drink during pregnancy will have a significant impact upon not only your health, but your baby’s health and development.

A well balanced diet during pregnancy is also good preparation for successful breastfeeding. 

What foods should I eat ? A balanced diet is vital, especially in meeting your own nutritional needs as well as those of your baby, or to meet the extra demands of making breastmilk.

As your baby grows in stages during pregnancy, your nutritional needs will also change. A balanced diet with adjusted food choices and portions can support your baby's growth while keeping you healthy. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each with its own important nutritional considerations. 

  • First trimester (1-3 months)

Baby's major organs and nervous system begin to develop, but most of the nutrition still comes from the placenta. A balanced diet is recommended, without the need for extra calories. 

  • Second trimester (4-6 months)

Baby is rapidly growing and gaining weight, and facial features become more distinct. Slightly increase food intake to support the baby's growth is suggested. 

  • Third trimester (7-9 months)

This is a critical period for a baby's organ development and weight gain. A balanced diet and weight management are important.

The original source. Go to www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au

During pregnancy, key nutrients to focus on include:

Folic acid:

Needed for fatal development and preventing birth defects. Found in vegetables, cereals, and nuts. Take 500 micrograms of the supplement daily when planning pregnancy. 


Needed for baby's brain and thyroid development. Found in seafood, seaweed, and salt. Eat fish, use iodised salt, and take a multivitamin with 150 micrograms of iodine. 

Protein :

Needed for baby's tissue growth. Found in meat, eggs, beans, and dairy. Eat two serves a day. 

Iron :

Needed for blood cell production and to prevent anemia. Found in meat, grains, and vegetables. Eat iron-rich foods and vitamin C to help absorb it. May need a supplement. 

Calcium :

Needed for baby's bone growth and mother's health. Found in dairy, canned fish with bones, and tofu. Eat 2-3 serves a day. 

Omega-3 :

Needed for baby's brain, nerve, and eye development. Found in fish, walnuts, chia seeds, linseeds, and soybeans. Eat fish 2-3 times a week. Limit certain fish due to high mercury levels.

How can pregnant women eat a balanced diet to support their baby's growth without gaining too much weight? In pregnancy, a woman needs more calories for the baby's growth and development. 

Gaining 10-14kg and a balanced diet are important for a healthy baby. High BMI requires special attention to avoid gestational diabetes. Regular prenatal check-ups can help prevent health risks.

Important things to know :

  • Eat a varied and healthy diet.
  • Don't take more than the recommended amount of nutrients.
  • Choose a pregnancy multivitamin with essential nutrients.
  • Check the label for the recommended dosage.
  • Expensive supplements are not always the best. 
  • Seek guidance from a dietitian, midwife, or doctor when choosing a supplement. 

*Vegetarians and vegans can replace animal foods with lentils, beans, tofu, eggs, and soy milk. Take a vitamin B12 supplement if you don't eat animal products.

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