補益補鐵牛肉精 Beef Essence - Taste For Life 紫金堂澳洲

Beef Essence

Regular price $89.00 AUD
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Product Information

WELLNESS Beef Essence is a dietary supplement made from the selected Australian Beef. It’s a concentrated form of beef that is rich in protein, iron, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Beef Essence can help to support muscle growth and recovery, as well as to provide a boost of immunity, especially post-surgery recovery. It helps to improve digestion and also reduce inflammation. 

✓ Zero Cholesterol

✓ Zero Saturated Fatty Acid

✓ Less than 19 Kcal Calories per pack

✓ High in Iron (5000ug/ per 100 kcal)

[Product content] : 60ml/1 pack,1 set / 5packs.

補益補鐵牛肉精-嚴選來自澳洲 無農藥、無抗生素、天然放牧草飼牛隻,搭配獨家專利小分子活化萃取技術,將牛肉液化成營養湯汁。高蛋白好體力|游離態胺基酸,高出一般滴雞滴2.6倍。補鐵好氣色|天然鐵質,含量高達5000ug/每100kcal。高蛋白好體力|含豐富茄紅素、β胡蘿蔔素、黃酮類物質槲皮素。小分子好吸收,輕鬆補充必需營養,高效補充人體所需營養素,給你和家人補充滿滿的活力能量!!